Thank you Lauren for this and for the ongoing "not a living wage" feature in your blog. Now more than ever we need to start looking out for each other and calling out these multi-million dollar glass art palaces that have been exploiting the labor of their professional staff for too long now. I'm at a point now in my career where I have come to know many working theatre professionals with advanced degrees and decades of experience at the highest levels of the industry who cannot afford to buy a house or take a vacation or look forward to a comfortable retirement. They can't speak out or they are terminated. The disparity between salaries of artistic directors and long time professional staff members is obscene.
Thank you Lauren for this and for the ongoing "not a living wage" feature in your blog. Now more than ever we need to start looking out for each other and calling out these multi-million dollar glass art palaces that have been exploiting the labor of their professional staff for too long now. I'm at a point now in my career where I have come to know many working theatre professionals with advanced degrees and decades of experience at the highest levels of the industry who cannot afford to buy a house or take a vacation or look forward to a comfortable retirement. They can't speak out or they are terminated. The disparity between salaries of artistic directors and long time professional staff members is obscene.